About me

Hello! My name is Wenhao Liu. I’m a graduate student at the University of Southern California right now, majoring in Electrical Engineering. I completed my Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and Automation from Beijing Information Science & Technology University in China with a GPA of 86.8/100, fourth in the whole grade. During my undergraduate years, I learned various electrical specialized courses, such as Electrical Machinery, Power and Electronics Technology, Automatic Control Theory, and many others. These courses helped me build a framework of knowledge in the electrical field and trained my ability to use some tools like MATLAB and Altium Designer. In addition, I have gained experience using Pytorch, Qt, and STM32 from some projects I participated in.

In terms of study, I’m more inclined to learn and do some things that can have practical applications. Because most of the projects I have been involved in since my undergraduate degree are hardware-oriented, so in addition to participating in the hardware work related to robots, I also want to learn more about theory and algorithm application in engineering during my graduate study. Specifically, I’m now interested in exploring manipulator control with 3D vision and tactile, and applying them for grasping and human-robot collaboration.

My Skills 🧮

Programming Languages: Python
Professional software: MATLAB, Altium Designer, Quartus II, Fusion 360

My Hobbies 🎆

In my spare time, I like making models by hand or by 3D printers. After I learned embedded design by myself, I began to enjoy drawing the circuits and programming them to implement some functions.